Scientific literature on vog


The following bibliography is taken from the IVHHN Library (

Camara, J.G., & Lagunzad, J.K.D. (2011) ‘Ocular findings in volcanic fog induced conjunctivitis’, Hawaii Medical Journal , 70(12), 262.

Chow, D. C., Grandinetti, A., Fernandez, E., Sutton, A. J., Elias, T., Brooks, B., & Tam, E. K. (2010) ‘Is volcanic air pollution associated with decreased heart-rate variability?’, Heart Asia, 2(1), 36-41.

Halliday, T.J., Lynham, J., de Paula, A. (2018) Vog: Using volcanic eruptions to estimate the health costs of particulates. The Economic Journal., In press.

Heggie, T. W. (2005) 'Reported fatal and non-fatal incidents involving tourists in Hawaii National Park, 1992 - 2002', Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2005(3):123-131.

Heggie, T. W., Heggie, T. M. & Heggie, T. J. (2009) ‘Death by Volcanic Laze’, Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 20, 101-103.

Kullman, G. J., Jones, W. G., Cornwell, R. J. & Parker, J. E. (1994) 'Characterization of Air Contaminants Formed by the Interaction of Lava and Sea-Water', Environmental Health Perspectives,102(5), 478-482.

Longo, B.M. (2009) ‘The Kilauea Volcano Adult Health Study’, Nursing Research, 58(1), 23-31.

Longo, B.M. (2013) ‘Adverse health effects associated with increased activity at Kīlauea Volcano: A repeated population-based survey’, ISRN Public Health, 2013, Article ID 475962.

Longo, B.M, Grunder, A, Chuan, R., & Rossignol, A. (2005)SO2 and fine aerosol dispersion from the Kilauea plume, Kau district, Hawaii, USA’, Geology, 33(3), 217-220.

Longo B.M., Rossignol, A., & Green, J.B. (2008) ‘Cardiorespiratory health effects associated with sulfurous volcanic air pollution’, Public Health, 122(8), 809-820.

Longo B.M., & Yang, W. (2008) ‘Acute bronchitis and volcanic air pollution: A community-based cohort study at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i, USA’, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 71:24, 1565-1571.

Longo, B.M., Yang, W., Green, J.B., Crosby, F.L., & Crosby, V.L. (2010) ‘Acute Health Effects Associated with Exposure to Volcanic Air Pollution (vog) from Increased Activity at Kilauea Volcano in 2008’, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 73(20), 1370 - 1381.

Longo, B. M., Yang, W., Green, J. B., Longo, A. A., Harris, M. & Bibilone, R. (2010) 'An Indoor Air Quality Assessment for Vulnerable Populations Exposed to Volcanic Vog From Kilauea Volcano', Family & Community Health, 33(1), 21-31.

Mannino, D. M., Ruben, S., Holschuh, F. C., Holschuh, T. C., Wilson, M. D. & Holschuh, T. (1996) 'Emergency department visits and hospitalizations for respiratory disease on the island of Hawaii, 1981 to 1991', Hawaii Medical Journal, 55(3), 48-54.

Michaud, J. P., Grove, J. S. & Krupitsky, D. (2004) 'Emergency department visits and "vog"-related air quality in Hilo, Hawaii’, Environmental Research, 95(1), 11-19.

Michaud, J. P., Krupitsky, D., Grove, J. S. & Anderson, B. S. (2005) 'Volcano related atmospheric toxicants in Hilo and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park: Implications for human health', Neurotoxicology, 26(4), 555-563.

Sircar, K., Miike, R., Yip, F., Divinksi, T., & Tam, E. K. (2014) ‘Is Vog Exposure Associated With Airway Obstruction In Hawaii Island Schoolchildren?’, American Thoracic Society International Conference Abstracts, A104 Asthma Epidemiology.

Tam, E., Miike, R., Labrenz, S., Sutton, A.J., Elias, T., Davis, J., Chen, Y-L., Tantisira, K., Dockery, D., Avol E. (2016) 'Volcanic air pollution over the Island of Hawai'i: Emissions, dispersal, and composition. Association with respiratory symptoms and lung function in Hawai'i Island school children', Environment International, 92–93, 543-552.

Tharr, D. (1991) ‘Case Studies: Exposures to Volcanic Emissions from the Hawaiian Volcanoes: A NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation’, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 6(6), 408-410.


Agricultural and other impacts

Kratky, B.A. (1997) Volcanic air pollution on plants, Abstract for University of Hawaii CSAV Vog and Laze Seminar Series [non-peer reviewed].


Forecast models

Businger, S., Huff, R., Pattantyus, A,, Horton, K., Sutton, A.J., Elias, T, Cherubini, T. (2015): Observing and Forecasting Vog Dispersion from Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, 1667–1686.

Hollingshead, A.T., Businger, S., Draxler, R., Porter, J. & Stevens, D. (2003) 'Dispersion modelling of the Kilauea plume', Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 108(1), 121-144.


Abstracts from University of Hawaii Vog Seminars

In 1991 the University of Hawaii held a day-long seminar on vog. The abstracts from that meeting can be downloaded here:


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