The links below take you to forecasts of vog and wind distribution.
Volcanic gas and particulate data and forecast. Uses volcanic gas emission rates and wind field data to model and predict the concentration and dispersion pattern of volcanic SO2 and sulfate particles.
Three day forecast for 10 m and transport level (mixing layer) winds, as well as mixing layer height, for SE Hawaiʻi Island including Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park.®ion=2&element=10&lat=20.58&lon=-157.56&mxmz=false (same information, with different interface including dynamic zoom, but separate wind speed and wind direction fields).
A visualization of global weather conditions forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours. The link below takes you directly to the SO2 (surface mass) overlay for Hawaii. Overlays for SO4 (SO4ex - sulfate extinction) or PM (DUex - dust extinction) are found by clicking on the 'earth' button, then Mode: Particulates.
Wind and weather forecast using multiple input models. Can set up for email alerts based on wind or other weather condtions.